the resolutions of a birthday girl

Wondering why my title is as such? This is because I recently celebrated my birthday last 22nd of this month. I'm already 25 years old, and at this point of my life, seems like I wanted to simplify my life more and to avoid all the daily stress that life brings, because this is what it should be right? So instead of putting all the usual resolutions early this year last January, I decided to have this resolutions, or simply this reminders to myself.

I was browsing through my office mail and browsing unnecessary mail for me delete it, since the system administrators is once gain visiting me (arrgh) when I chance upon this beautiful mail, the original is accompanied with pictures, for now here are my reminders as I go through my 25th year.

1. Sleep as much as you can.
2. Read books that you enjoy.
3. Play with simple things.
4. Do whatever you want, whenever you want.
5. Look for affection when you need it.
6. Get serious once in a while.
7. Forget about diets.
8. Show some affection.
9. Get angry once in a while.
10. Change your looks.

Above all, be happy regardless of what
your challenge maybe! Have a great life!

>> I would also like to share this....
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it change your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
>> I just love reading a pile of positive outlooks in life, this is what we really need in times of problems, stress or even just a simple "inis" from one of your days.

Cheers for better days of our lives!